

2018年08月17日 6218人阅读 返回文章列表

[摘要] 目的:通过对西北地区成人髌骨厚度的测量,以提供和完善国人髌骨的解剖学数据及X线资料。方法:选择对实体髌骨及膝关节X线片(侧位、切线位)髌骨的测量分析,共120例。结果:经初步测量,结果如下:H为22.03±0.12mm,最大厚度为26.79mm,最小厚度16.16mm;F1为42.25±0.16mm;F2为31.05±0.32mm;T为21.51±0.18mm;T1为19.38±0.56mm;T2为20.08±0.60mm。结论:对西北地区成人髌骨的测量分析,以提供和完善国人髌骨的解剖学数据及X线资料,为全膝关节置换术及髌骨置换术提供比较准确的数据资料,有利于设计出更适合国人使用的髌骨假体(特别是西北地区),并能使临床医生在手术实践中应用更适合国人解剖特点的髌骨截骨原则。西安市红会医院中西医结合骨科巩四海

[关键词] 西北地区;  成人髌骨厚度;  测量分析

 Measurement of the Patellar Thickness in Northwestern People and its clinical significance//Gong Sihai, Wang Xiaodong Huang xiaoqiang, et al.Xi’an Red Cross Hospital, Xi’an 710054, China

[Abstract] Objective: To provide the anatomic parameter of adult patella thickness and length for the Chinese people, through measuring the patella in northwestern people. Methods: 120 adult were divided into 2 groups, group A were measured on the noumenal body’s knee joints while group B were measured on the lateral or tangential position of the X- ray films. Results: According to measured, the average patellar thickness of northwestern people(H) is 22.03± 0.12 mm, ranging from 16.16mm to 26.79mm, F1(length of the patella) is 42.25± 0.16 mm, F2(breadth of the patella) is 31.05± 0.0.32 mm, T is 21.51± 0.18 mm, T1 is 19.38± 0.56 mm, T2 is 20.08± 0.60 mm. Conclusion: The data of adult patella in northwestern people can perfect the anatomic parameter of Chinese people, and it also can provide a morphological basis for patellar prosthesis design as well as for the surgical principle of patellar resurfacing in Chinese people.

[Key words] Northwestern People     Patella   Thickness      Measurement